Dhaka Police recovered fake Indian currency worth over Rs. 7 crore from a house in the city on Saturday. The money was hidden inside a water tank in a house in the Dakshinkhan area of Dhaka in more than 1400 bundles. The fake currency notes produced in Pakistan were sent to Sri Lanka from where they were transported in a marble container to the Chattogram port. It was intended to be pushed into India through the border areas of Bangladesh.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Ahmed Asaduzzaman told the media that the currency was manufactured in Pakistan and sent to Bangladesh through various routes. He said that the arrested person Fatema Akhter was an active member of an international fake currency racket which collected counterfeit currency from Pakistan and pushed it into India. Police raided the house after two persons of the international fake currency racket were arrested on Friday from Khilkhet and Demra area of Dhaka. They have named two Pakistani nationals Sultan and Shafi as the kingpins of the fake currency racket.
Police are working to further arrest other members of the fake currency racket.
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