Experts believe that Aditya Birla Group’s Grasim Industries Ltd. will perform well in the near future. That is why brokerage firm Motilal Oswal has downgraded Aditya Birla Group’s rating on Grasim’s shares from ‘neutral’, meaning he has advised to buy the shares. If you are looking for quality stocks for your portfolio in times of volatility in the stock market, Aditya Birla Group Company Grasim Industries Limited may be a good option.
Grasim has entered the paints division in addition to business expansion. As a result, the company expects good growth in the years to come. In view of this increase, brokerage firm Motilal Oswal has downgraded Grasim’s stock from ‘neutral’ to ‘buy’. The stock has seen strong returns of about 80 per cent to investors over the past one year.
Aditya Birla Group’s ‘This’ share will rise in the near future!

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