President Ram Nath Kovind has greeted people of Odisha on the occasion of Odisha day. In a tweet, Mr Kovind said, the land of the temples of Jagannath, Lingaraj, Konark and other rich heritages, Odisha gave the world a message of peace and love, shunning violence. He conveyed best wishes for the progress of the state.
In his greetings, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu said, Odisha is renowned for its iconic temples, vibrant culture and picturesque places. He said, the industrious people of Odisha have contributed immensely to the growth of the nation. Mr Naidu conveyed his best wishes for the state’s continuous growth.
Greeting people of Odisha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, Odia people are making landmark contributions to India’s progress and Odia culture is globally admired. He prayed for Odisha’s development in the times to come.
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