In Gujarat, voting is underway for elections to 8,690 village panchayats amid tight security arrangements. Voters queued up since 7 am to elect heads of various gram panchayats and ward members. The polling will continue till 6 pm. Counting of votes will be held on 21st of December.
Over 8 crore 82 lakh voters are expected to cast their votes through ballot papers this time across the state. These elections include general, mid-term and by-polls.
A total 27,200 candidates are in the fray for the elections of sarpanch and more than 1 lakh candidates for the wards.
More than 50 thousand police personnel have been deployed in the rural areas of the state in view of the polling today.
Out of around 10 thousand 8 hundred local bodies, nearly 1,165 gram panchayats have been declared as Samras Gram Panchayats, after the Sarpanch and the entire body of ward members were elected unopposed.
Under the scheme of Samras Gram, such villages get monitory incentives by the Government of Gujarat for developmental works.
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