Health & Fitness::Cardio

Low Blood Sugar : Is your blood sugar level under control or not? If ‘these’ symptoms appear, be alert in time

Diabetes is now a common disease. Once diabetes occurs, it is impossible to get rid of it. However, diabetes can be controlled by following a proper lifestyle. According to WHO, the problem of diabetes is one of the most serious problems in the world.
In fact, when the disease progresses, remedies are found. But, when the blood sugar level in the body is imbalanced, some of its symptoms start to appear. Let’s know about those symptoms.

These are the symptoms
Low blood sugar causes headaches.
Tremors, dizziness, hunger, irritability, increased heart rate, yellowing of the skin, sweating and weakness are also symptoms of low sugar.
There is a risk of going into a coma if the blood sugar is not treated in time.

Why is blood sugar low?
Low blood sugar can be caused by many reasons.
Overuse of medications and insulin injections can cause low blood sugar levels.
Diabetic patients may experience low blood sugar if they skip meals or eat less.

Follow these tips
1. Check blood sugar daily as advised by doctor.
2. Eat breakfast before leaving home.
3. Eat carbohydrate-rich snacks when blood sugar is low.
4. Do not eat sweets or chocolates to raise blood sugar if it is low. Consume sugar, jaggery, glucose powder.
5. You can drink half a cup of fruit juice.
6. Drink a cup of milk. You can also take a spoonful of honey.

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