Total 83 students including two teachers are infected from Covid-19 in Takali Dhokeshwar of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. After receiving information about 19 positive students of Covid -19,the District Collector Rajendra Bhosale was visited to the school and hospitalised students to Parner District hospital for further treatment.
Other students were undergone covid -19 test where more 33 students including two teachers were found covid positive.
On Monday evening, more 12 students were found infected with corona. It includes 8 girls and 4 boys. The situation is serious because the school began a series of corona infected on Saturday.
The number of corona victims at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at Parner Takli Dhokeshwar alone is now 83.
This was followed by evening reports of other tested students. The report of 19 more students was infected, bringing the total number to 71. A report received on Monday evening found 12 students affected.
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