FIFA has lifted the ban imposed on the All India Football Federation (AIFF) after the Supreme Court terminated the mandate of the Committee of Administrators. The decision has cleared the decks for India to host the Women’s U-17 World Cup scheduled to take place on 11-30 October.
World football governing body FIFA had suspended the All India Football Federation on August 15 for undue influence from third parties.
In a letter to AIFF, FIFA mentioned that Bureau of the FIFA Council decided to lift the suspension of the AIFF with immediate effect.
The Bureau of the FIFA Council has decided to lift the suspension after FIFA received confirmation that the mandate of the committee of administrators that was set up to assume the powers of the AIFF Executive Committee had been terminated and that the AIFF administration had regained full control of the AIFF’s daily affairs.
FIFA also said that it will continue to monitor the situation and will support the AIFF in conducting its elections in a timely manner.
Youth Affairs and Sports Minister Anurag Thakur has expressed happiness on FIFA’s decision for lifting its suspension on the All India Football Federation.
Terming this a victory for all football fans, Mr. Thakur said, he is delighted to share that FIFA Council has decided to lift the suspension of the AIFF with immediate effect. He said, the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup 2022 scheduled to take place in October this year will be held in India as planned.
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