Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the National Sickle Cell Anemia Eradication Mission 2047 in Lalpur village of Madhya Pradesh today. The Prime Minister will also participate in several programmes in Shahdol district including distribution of 3.57 crore Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana cards. The Prime Minister will also address a public meeting.
After which he will go to Pakaria village. Where Mr. Modi will meet the women members of the self-help group. He will also meet members of PESA Act committees. He will also interact with football players from tribal-dominated villages. After having discussions with the intellectuals of the tribal society, the Prime Minister will have lunch with them.
On reaching Lalpur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be welcomed with traditional tribal instruments and dance. Renowned Gudum Dal, Shaila and Karma dance teams will perform. Along with this, folk singer Manya Pandey will also give a programme. In the second programme, the Prime Minister will reach Pakaria village and interact with the people of the PESA Act Committee. This Act, which gives special rights to the tribal society, is applicable from 15 November 2022 in all the scheduled areas of Madhya Pradesh.669 villages of 4 development blocks of Shahdol district come under the ambit of this act.
This Act gives special rights to the Gram Sabha for the management of natural resources. Committees have been formed in Gram Panchayats to deal with matters related to water, forest, land and to settle disputes. People from 9 committees will meet the Prime Minister. Out of these, 4 will be Tendupatta Collection Committee, 2 Peace Committee, 2 Water Resources Committee and 1 Land Management Committee. Apart from this, the Prime Minister will also meet the football players coming from the tribal society. Special efforts are being made since last year to promote football game in Shahdol division. Hundreds of football clubs have been formed here till now. The Prime Minister will also hold discussions with the intellectuals of the tribal society and sit and have lunch with them. Special enthusiasm is being seen among the tribal people of Lalpur and Pakaria villages regarding these programmes.
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