Amritsar- In Punjab, BJP has started preparations ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. In the state, BJP is preparing to bet on cricketers. According to the information received, efforts are on to get former cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu back into the BJP. Moreover, there is a possibility that Yuvraj Singh will be fielded from Gurdaspur Lok Sabha constituency.
It was seen that Navjot Singh Sidhu was not very popular in the Congress party. Moreover, it is said that he is unhappy with the party leadership. They are holding separate meetings after leaving the party. Therefore, the talk of him joining the BJP is gaining more strength. Sidhu is known for his oratory. He has left an impression on the countrymen through many TV programs.
Sidhu has good relations with former Congress President Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi. But, BJP leaders in Punjab feel that they will rejoin BJP. The party will benefit from their arrival. Also they can be given a Lok Sabha ticket from a constituency in Punjab. Somdev Sharma said that there is a high possibility of Sidhu joining the BJP. BJP leaders are discussing this. This information is being kept secret.
Amritsar Lok Sabha Constituency has been influenced by BJP since time immemorial. So Sidhu can be fielded from here. Chances of Sidhu winning from Amritsar are high. However, Congress has dismissed these possibilities. Sidhu will not join BJP. Those who jump from one party to another have no credibility, said Raman Bakshi.
According to sources, BJP is fielding Sidhu from Amritsar and Yuvraj Singh from Gurdaspur. BJP has a tradition of giving a celebrity from Gurdaspur. Earlier Vinod Khanna, Sunny Deol have been nominated from here. Vinod Khanna was an MP from this constituency four times. Currently the MP of this constituency is Sunny Deol
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