Former Jharkhand Governor Draupadi Murmu will be BJP-led NDA candidate for the Presidential polls. Briefing media after the BJP Parliamentary Board meeting in New Delhi, party Chief JP Nadda said, for the first time, preference has been given to a woman tribal candidate. He said, the BJP Parliamentary Board discussed 20 names for presidential nominee and it was decided to pick someone from east India, a tribal and woman. Mr Nadda said that Union Minister Rajnath Singh spoke to the constituents of the UPA but there was no consensus on the name.
Ms Murmu said she is surprised to learn about her candidature and is unable to believe it. She noted that she will work according to the powers of the President enshrined in the constitution. The former Jharkhand Governor said she will reach out to members of the electoral college for their support.
The voting for presidential elections will be held on 18th of next month.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed confidence that Ms Murmu will be a great President of India. Mr Modi said, she devoted her life to serving society, empowering poor, downtrodden, marginalised and she has rich administrative experience and had an outstanding gubernatorial tenure. The Prime Minister added that millions of people, especially those who have experienced poverty and faced hardships, derive great strength from the life of Droupadi Murmu. Mr. Modi also said, her understanding of policy matters and compassionate nature will greatly benefit the country.
Home Minister Amit Shah said that it is a very important moment for the country, when Ms Murmu has been named as NDA’s Presidential candidate. He said, this decision will take tribal pride to new heights. In a series of tweets, Mr Shah said, Ms Murmu has made a special identity in public life by spreading awareness about education in tribal society and serving the public for a long time as a public representative. He said, several steps have been taken in the direction of women empowerment and restoration of tribal identity under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the last eight years.
Former Union Minister Yashwant Sinha will be the opposition candidate for Presidential Election. Opposition parties announced his name after their meeting in New Delhi yesterday. In a joint statement, the parties said they have taken a unanimous decision on Mr. Sinha’s candidature. Reading out the statement, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh alleged that the government made no serious effort to have consensus on the presidential candidate. NCP Chief Sharad Pawar informed that Mr. Sinha will file his nomination on 27th of this month.
The meeting was attended by Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge, CPI(M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury, SP leader Prof Ram Gopal Yadav, TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee, Tiruchi Siva of DMK and others.
AIR correspondent reports, if elected, and expectedly so, Draupadi Murmu would be the first tribal woman to occupy the topmost constitutional post in the country. The Prez Poll is slated for the18th of July.Shrimati Murmu born in 1958 was brought up in the tribal zone of Mayurbhanj district in Odisha. She is a well known tribal leader with vast experience in administration.She was a Minister in the Naveen Patnaik Ministry during 2000-2004 besides serving as the governor of Jharkhand between 2015 to 2021.Shrimati Murmu, known for her simplicity and straightforwardness, had also been honoured with the best MLA award by the Odisha Legislative Assembly in 2007.
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