The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall over Konkan & Goa, Central Maharashtra and Odisha during the next five days. Heavy to very heavy rainfall spells have also been forecast over Uttarakhand and central India including West Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh today and tomorrow. Gujarat is also likely to record isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall tomorrow and day after tomorrow.
The IMD also predicted widespread rainfall with isolated heavy rainfall over Jammu Kashmir, Ladakh-Gilgit-Baltistan-Muzaffarabad during today and tomorrow, and Himachal Pradesh for the next three days. In its weather bulletin, IMD said, a cyclonic circulation is likely to form over Northwest Bay of Bengal within 48 hours. Meanwhile, parts of the northeast are also likely to witness fairly widespread to widespread rainfall with isolated heavy rainfall.
In the national capital, the water level of the Yamuna River was recorded at 206.01 meters yesterday. According to the Central Water Commission, the Yamuna water level at 2pm yesterday stood at 205.87 metres, which was higher than the danger mark of 205.33 metres. Meanwhile, the National Capital will remain a generally cloudy sky with moderate rain. The maximum temperature is likely to hover around 33 degree celsius.
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