In Madhya Pradesh, campaigning for the by-elections to one Lok Sabha and three assembly seats in the state came to an end yesterday. Voting for all these seats will be held on October 30, while the counting of votes will take place on November 2. The main contest in the state is between the ruling BJP and the Congress. AIR correspondent reports that in all four seats, more than 26 lakh 50 thousand voters will decide the fate of 48 candidates. The maximum number of 16 candidates each is in Khandwa and Raigaon seats while 10 in Prithvipur and 6 candidates are contesting in Jobat.
According to official information, a total of 3,944 polling stations have been set up for these four seats. The Election Commission will conduct webcasting at 874 polling stations and CCTV surveillance at 361 polling stations. Overall 26,000 employees including 16,000 security personnel have been deployed for fair and peaceful polling. Liquor, cash and other items worth Rs 7 crore have been confiscated in the state so far. The Election Commission has also received 110 complaints from both the parties.
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