Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a two-day visit to Andhra Pradesh and Kerala beginning today. He will inaugurate the new campus of the National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes and Narcotics in Andhra Pradesh and interact with Officer Trainees of the 74th and 75th batches of the Indian Revenue Service and officer trainees of the Royal Civil Service of Bhutan.
The Prime Minister will reach Kochi this evening and hold a roadshow from Maharaja’s College Ground to the Government Guest House on his way to Ernakulam.
Tomorrow morning, the Prime Minister will perform pooja and darshan at the Guruvayoor Temple and Thriprayar Shree Ramasami Temple in Thrissur district.
The Prime Minister will dedicate to the nation three projects worth more than 4000 crore rupees, at a function to be held at Willingdon Island in Kochi. He will inaugurate the New Dry Dock facility, the International Ship Repair facility of the Cochin Shipyard, and the LPG Import Terminal of the Indian Oil Corporation, which will be a major boost to the ports, shipping, and waterways sector.
Later, he will address a meeting of In-charges of the BJP Shakti Kendra at the Marine Drive in the city, before returning to New Delhi.
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