Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh today. He will dedicate to the nation three major development projects worth around ten thousand crore rupees. The Prime Minister will inaugurate the Fertiliser Plant, AIIMS and a new building of the regional centre of Indian Council of Medical Research.
In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister said 7th December is a special day for the development trajectory of Uttar Pradesh, especially Purvanchal. He said it makes him very happy that the Gorakhpur Fertiliser Plant will be revived after remaining shut for over 30 years. Mr Modi described this plant as an important one in order to become Aatmanirbhar in urea production.
The Prime Minister further said he will also dedicate to the nation the AIIMS Gorakhpur. Mr. Modi said this will strengthen health infrastructure in the state.
The Prime Minister said he will also inaugurate the new building of the regional centre of ICMR. He said this Centre has played a key role in curing people from Acute Encephalitis Syndrome. Praising the efforts of the Uttar Pradesh government in eliminating encephalitis disease which once plagued the region, the Prime Minister said the UP Government has made commendable efforts in the last 4 years in this area.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the Fertiliser Plant and AIIMS in 2016. Both are ready within 5 years. People are hopeful that these projects will bring change in the region.
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