
President, Vice President & PM greet Army personnel, veterans on Army Day

Today is Army day. The Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in recognition of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa’s taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Fransis Bucher, the last British Commander-in-Chief of India, on 15 January 1949.

President Ram Nath Kovind has extended his greetings to Army personnel and veterans on Army Day. In a tweet, the President said that Indian Army has been pivotal in ensuring national security. He said, the country’s soldiers have displayed professionalism, sacrifice and valour in defending borders and maintaining peace. He said, the nation is grateful for their service.

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu has greeted to Army soldiers and their family on Army Day today. In a tweet, Mr Naidu said, the men and women of Indian Army are known for their unmatched bravery, devotion to duty and unwavering patriotism. He said, the nation is indebted to them for their selfless service in protecting the country from multiple threats.

On the occasion of Army Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended his best wishes especially to the country’s courageous soldiers, respected veterans and their families. In a tweet, Mr Modi said that Indian Army is known for its bravery and professionalism. He said, words cannot do justice to the invaluable contribution of the Indian Army towards national safety. Prime Minister said that Indian Army personnel serve in hostile terrains and are at the forefront of helping fellow citizens during humanitarian crisis, including natural disasters. He said, India is proud of the stellar contribution of the Army in Peacekeeping Missions overseas as well.

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