Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of 400 crore rupees project at Jhansi node of UP Defence Industrial Corridor. The project is being executed by Bharat Dynamics Ltd for setting up a plant to produce propulsion systems for Anti-Tank Guided Missiles.
Mr Modi will launch the NCC Alumni Association with the objective to provide a formal platform to enable NCC Alumni to reconnect with NCC. The Association will further the aims of NCC and assist in nation-building. It will witness enrolling the Prime Minister, a former NCC cadet, as the first member of the Association.
Prime Minister will launch the National programme of Simulation Training for NCC cadets with the aim to scale up simulation training facilities for all three wings of NCC. It includes setting up of Rifle Firing Simulators for the Army Wing of NCC, Microlight flying simulators for Air Wing and Rowing simulators for the Naval wing.
Mr Modi will dedicate to the nation augmented reality-powered electronic kiosks at the National War Memorial which will enable visitors to pay floral homage to martyrs through the simple click of the button.
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