Aurangabad: The 19 Kovid centers started in the second wave of corona infection were closed by the Municipal Corporation as the number of intermediate patients was decreasing. Now that the danger of the third wave has increased, the Municipal Corporation will start five covid centers and warrooms from Monday (Thu. 10) by doing ‘re-coronation’. Paras Mandlecha said.
The city is seeing more than a hundred patients every day in a few days. Considering the first and second waves, it is estimated that three times more patients will be found in the third wave. Covid Care Centers, which have been closed for several months, will be reopened. In the first phase, four centers will be started from Monday, said Shri. Mandlecha said. Kilearc (300 beds), two dormitories of MIT College (375 and 175 beds), dormitory of Government Engineering College (450 beds), dormitory for boys and girls of Devagiri College (480 beds), dormitory of IHM College (80 beds). Acquired and will be started from Monday. Mandlecha said.
There will also be antigen testing facilities at all test centers to test the person in contact with the patient. Therefore, relatives and contacts in the high risk will be tested immediately. RTPCR testing will also be conducted here if required.
The doctor will communicate with the patient
Home isolation facilities will be provided to patients with low intensity. For this, the Municipal Corporation has prepared a warroom, from where they will contact the patients twice a day and inquire about the condition of the patients. In addition, patients in home isolation will be given a number to contact in the warroom. For home isolation, you should contact the doctor at the municipal health center in your area and register your name.
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