Beauty & Health

Skincare Tips: Get Glowing Skin This Festive Season With These Ayurvedic Tips

Follow a healthy skincare routine during festive season to glow inside out. Here are some ayurvedic tips that can help you prevent skin issues during festivities.
The festive season is here! Ayurvedic texts describe the beauty of Sharad ritu and diet and lifestyle modifications with equal elan. The changes in accordance with the season help upkeep good health and indulge the celebrations. The skin reflects your innate health. With a change in weather, it is essential to make changes to your skincare routine. A healthy skincare as per the weather can help prevent several skin issues. Let us take notes from ayurveda for looking as radiant as the festivities around us.
Skincare: Follow these tips for heathy, glowing skin this festive season
1. Deep detox
Pitta dosha is responsible for the heat element in the body governing digestion, hormones and metabolism. It is the season of amla. It keeps the skin looking young by boosting collagen production. It also helps eliminate dark spots and pigmentation. Amla is a natural detoxifier and balances the hormones that trigger acne.
Use 4-5 fresh amlas as juice early in the morning, with a little honey and turmeric. You can use this daily until you have a steady supply of fresh amla.
2. Adapt a season specific skin routine
The air is not as humid anymore. The moisturizer needs to be a little heavier. The face cleanser should be mild and non-sulphated. Weekly massages can be wonderful for the skin to build immunity. Look for ingredients like saffron, sandalwood, gold, manjishtha and lodhra in your skin care products. These herbs keep the skin glowing.
DIY- A paste made from powdered oats, and fat free sour buttermilk can double up as a skin cleanser and face brightener.
You can also make a paste with crushed rose and lotus petals, mixed with cooling clays and fennel essential oil to rejuvenate the tired skin.
3. Drink enough water
One must drink plenty of water during this season. Drinking enough water can help flush toxins out of your body and give you glowing skin.
4. Self-love
Focus on self-love both outside and inside during this season. Avoid chemical laden make-up and choose wisely this festive season. On the inside, give your body plenty of healthy fats from walnuts, almonds, ghee and coconuts, instead of fried foods and refined oils.

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