Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur today launched the Government of India Calendar for the year 2024 at a function in New Delhi. The calendar showcases the achievements of the Narendra Modi government theme-wise in various fields. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Thakur talked in detail about the development initiatives of the government in the fields of infrastructure development, health, women empowerment, economy, sports, education, technology development, and other sectors. He said that India was nowhere in the field of startups but now it has become the third largest Startup ecosystem. He added that the country has become the fifth largest economy in the world from the fragile five in the last ten years.
The Minister underlined that the number of airports has increased from 74 to 150 under the Narendra Modi government. He also said the metro has reached 22 cities while the number of AIIMS has increased from 7 to 23 in the country during the last ten years. He asserted that the government has focused on women-led development citing the example of 33 percent reservation to women in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies.
Information and Broadcasting Secretary Apurva Chandra and other senior officials of the ministry were present during the event.
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