Article everyone must read : Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that misfortune has come your way. You wouldn’t wish this on anyone, and yet imagine for at least a few seconds: a drought, a flood or a bomb obliterated your home, and you and your loved ones are being persecuted by the authorities or by armed perpetrators. It’s just another night and you have nowhere to go, and for quite a while you have not slept a wink since you fear for your life. Your heart is pounding, it’s getting harder to breathe, and your child is pressing against you in tears. And you cannot even soothe your crying baby. You understand that if another day, week, month drags on like this, you and your family will starve. You don’t have any money, or any chance to earn it. And if suddenly something does happen, you don’t even have anywhere to turn for help, because the local hospital, like your house, has been destroyed. Your entire district, city, country are on the verge of vanishing from the face of the earth. What will you do: will you stay or try to escape? Will you risk it… will you take the chance?
Perhaps this simple yet quite ruthless study to test your empathy has helped you visualize the difficult choice that every refugee faces at some point. So open your eyes.
What do the lives of millions of people who have become victims of wars, repression, violence and climatic disasters depend on?

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