Nagargama, 4 June. The coronavirus has caused serious conditions in some places. Many have lost loved ones in this crisis. The virus has killed more than three million people so far. Meanwhile, many shocking
incidents are unfolding. Covid has devastated many families. A similar incident has taken place in Bihar. A happy family is devastated by covid as it killed two of its members. Unable to bear
the shock of death of husband, his wife also committed suicide.
A shocking incident has come to light where the wife committed suicide by hanging herself as she could not bear the shock of her husband’s death. According to information received, Manjit Kumar of Nagargama in Samastipur lost his life due to corona last month. After his death, his wife went into depression and 31-year-old Rita Kumari committed suicide by strangulation. Rita has a one and a half month old baby and a three year old son. Both the children are now orphaned due to the death of their parents. According to relatives, Manjit’s wife had gone into depression after his death. She was sleeping in a room with her children on Wednesday she found handed by ceiling fan. Police are investigating the further.
Women comitted sucide when husband’s death due to covid

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